
Every streetcar is equipped with ramps in the low floor section of the car which makes for easy wheelchair and mobility device boarding. Readerboards and audio announcements indicate the next stop.

In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination in any City program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or disability. To help ensure access to City programs, services, and activities, the City of Portland reasonably: provides language translation and interpretation for limited English proficiency individuals; modifies policies and procedures; and, provides auxiliary aids, services and/or alternative formats to persons with disabilities.

To request an accommodation, modification, translation, interpretation or language service; to file a complaint; or for additional information or questions on Civil Rights Title VI (race, color, national origin protections) and ADA Title II (protections for people with disabilities) matters (nondiscrimination in public City programs, services, activities) please call 503.222.4200, TTY at 503.823.6868, Oregon Relay Service at 711, or email

During snow and/or ice storms Streetcar will be working to clear all platforms so those using a mobility device can safely access the streetcar and the adjacent sidewalk.